
+1 (614) 226-7353info@selfnet.com



Technical Support Topics - Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Frequently Asked Questions - F.A.Q.

My web site no longer works and I stopped receiving E-mail...

Check if the web site still opens when you use its IP in URL address -- i.e. "" -- if your web site opens, the problem is most likely with your domain name registration status. When a domain registration expires, the Registrar company places it "on hold" awaiting registration renewal. Please check with your domain name registration company as soon as possible and renew your registration -- once processed, your web site and E-mail service will start working again. Please note, that monitoring domain's status and maintaining a valid domain name registration is the domain Owner's responsibility.

I cannot log into my site using FTP client...

First, make sure you are connected to the Internet, and then set up your FTP client program using the information from from your account setup summary received from SelfNet:
- FTP host name = "ftp....selfnet.com"
- Host Type = "automatic detect"
- User ID = "your UserID"
- Password ="your Password"
- Initial remote host directory = follow instructions in your account setup summary
- If you are still unable to connect, please contact SelfNet Support.

I published my web site, but I get an error when I try to access it...

Make sure to name your home page file "DEFAULT.HTM", "DEFAULT.ASP" or "DEFAULT.ASPX" - servers require a default document name to resolve requests like "www.your-site.com" without specifying the exact HTML file name. If your default (home) page is named "index.html", "index.htm", "default.html" or "myhomepage.html" - the server does not see it as a default document, and sends out an error message, unless you form your request as "www.your-site.com/myhomepage.html" to request a specific file.

How do I set up E-mail accounts for my domain users?

Once your domain is fully functional, you can set up the e-mail accounts for your domain users. We will create the "Administrator@YourDomainName" account for you - please follow the instructions in your account setup letter to access our web-based mail server interface and to set up the rest of your e-mail post office.

Do I have Anti-SPAM and/or Anti-Virus protection as part of my E-mail services?

Yes you do -- every message delivered to you by our mail servers is scanned for viruses and suspected SPAM -- here's some additional information about Anti-SPAM and Anti-Virus service options for your domain:

ANTI-VIRUS E-MAIL PROTECTION -- All of our E-mail servers employ anti-virus software that scans every message for known viruses before delivery.  If a message contains a virus, it will not be delivered, and a warning message will be sent by the system to the addressee about the incident.  There are no configuration options - anti-virus software is always enabled for all domains.  

ANTI-SPAM E-MAIL PROTECTION -- SelfNET E-mail servers use state-of-the-art anti-SPAM software to monitor and prevent Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE or SPAM) messages from being delivered to SelfNET customers.  Our software identifies SPAM by using series of comprehensive tests - domain name, URL and IP address "black lists", mail routing and DNS records check, text and HTML content scanning, phrase filtering and Bayesian statistical filters, which use common spam characteristics to identify spam. Words and phrases are analyzed based on how frequently they appear in good email versus bad email, then messages are analyzed in terms of probability of being spam. The engine and its reference database are updated daily.  

HANDLING SPAM MESSAGES -- However, there is no perfect solution - there is always a slight chance that some legitimate mail will get caught by the anti-spam engine.  That is why we provide our customers with flexibility to manually customize SPAM handling for their domains. Once an e-mail message is identified as SPAM, it is automatically placed into User's [Spam] folder on the mail server, and kept there for 10 days. During that time, users can either a) take no action, and the message will be automatically deleted after 10 days, or b) using the WebMail interface, move the message to their [Inbox], so they can be opened and/or retrieved from the server. In addition, Users and Customer Domain Administrators can use "Black & White List" feature, to maintain their personal, or domain-wide lists of legitimate mail senders and spammers.

DISABLING ANTI-SPAM PROTECTION -- Although most of our customers prefer our anti-spam engine (which is 95%-97% accurate), there are situations when mailings tagged as spam are actually legitimate. Some examples include computerized mailing lists, popular spam topics and terms in the message body, and even sub-standard e-mail systems used by key customers, causing false identification of e-mail messages as spam. In such cases, we can disable anti-spam filtering for a domain by customer request. However, this action should be the very last resort, as it requires special configuration of your domain on the mail server. It is always better to try to fix the problem with a few senders, then to disable anti-spam engine and leave your domain unprotected.

I can receive mail sent to my POP3/IMAP account, but I cannot send any E-mail messages...

There can be several causes of this problem, such as: 

Cause:  To avoid exposure to unsolicited e-mail messages or "SPAM" for our customers, we do not allow 'open relaying' on our mail systems. Therefore, to send an e-mail message via our outgoing servers, users must authenticate themselves with a valid ID + password combination.  
Solution Please make sure to enable SMTP authentication in your e-mail program - this is a standard feature in Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, iPhone, iPad and most other e-mail client programs. For sending mail using aliases, include your main account login and password in the authentication properties. To avoid typing the password every time you send a message, use the "remember password" feature.

Cause:  Your return address is not set up correctly and our mail server does not recognize you as a valid user of the mail system and refuses to relay your mail, which is a standard anti-spam practice.
Solution:  Make sure your "Reply-to:" or "From:" address is valid and set up correctly in your e-mail client program. 

Cause:  Sometimes local Internet access providers close TCP/IP port 25 in order to force subscribers use their own SMTP server for relaying outgoing mail.
Solution 1:  In your e-mail program setup, change SMTP server port number from 25 to 366 or 587. 
Solution 2:  In your e-mail program setup, replace our SMTP server with your local provider's. If you don't know the server's address, please contact your access provider and ask for that information.

I cannot open my web site - is the server down?

Not likely, but there is a good possibility that you're experiencing problems with your local Internet connection or DNS service, and users from other locations can still access your web site. To verify that, we suggest to trace the route of your connection to the server. In Windows, you can do so by using the "tracert" command in the DOS window. We also recommend the VisualRoute utilities by Fortel, Inc. for testing connections to your server from other locations around the world. If you verify that your server cannot be traced from any other location, please contact SelfNet Support immediately.

What is "SMTP Authentication", why do I need it and how do I set it up?..

SMTP Authentication prevents unauthorized use of our mail system for relaying and distributing unsolicited mail messages or "SPAM". This is one of the industry-standard techniques used by most of responsible internet service providers. In short, it provides mechanism to identify users before accepting mail for delivery from them.  Most if not all modern E-mail programs support this feature. However, there are earlier versions of e-mail software that either do not support SMTP Authentication, or are incompatible with today's mail servers. Depending on the e-mail software program you use, please follow these instructions to enable SMTP authentication for sending mail.

How can I update my account/billing information?

To make changes in your SelfNET account (i.e. credit card number and expiration date, contact information, etc.) please use our secure server connection -- please click here to access the secure server page.